As part of my commitment to giving back to the creative community, I’m hosting a free monthly online meet-up where we can come together & create something special in circle.
Bring your own creative project, & sit with others while we weave, paint, carve, cook, or whatever else our hands want to do at that moment.
It’s an obligation free, drop in drop out meeting, so come late, come briefly, or come for the whole two hours, you won’t be judged for showing up whenever & however you find yourself at the time of the gathering…& if you aren’t feeling creative we don’t even mind if you come along just to be present with others while we make. Be as chatty as you like, or sit in silence & create, whatever you need on the day.
Sessions will be held from 6pm to 8pm AEST on the first Wednesday after the New Moon each month (from February to September – leaving the peak making period leading up to Xmas free, & some time to recover from it in January!). Check the dates on our social media @artistsanonymousgroup or see below:

The sessions will be facilitated via Zoom, & the reoccuring link is here: Join Zoom Meeting
Housekeeping: I’m not setting any rules, but I will request that you simply be kind & generous with your presence & knowledge in exchange for the invitation to join.
You may be muted on entry but feel free to unmute yourself & join the chat at will, especially to say hi when you first drop in, so we know you have arrived. I have deliberately set the meeting to allow you to come at any time during the two hour time slot, so there is no waiting room, I will not be “letting you in”, the door is open…because of this, as a courtesy to others, if you are in a very noisy place please mute yourself unless you have something to say, as the platform can get overwhelmingly loud otherwise.
See you all there with your paints/poems/carvings/scarves/baskets/pots/whatever you are working on…or with nothing but your smile & desire to commune…